Difference between Analog Cigarettes vs. Electronic Cigarette

If you have asked yourself, “What is the different between smoking cigarettes and vaping” well then you’re the one we had in mind when we created this page. There are many important facts to note between the difference in smoking cigarettes and vaping. For one the chemicals that you see in traditional cigarettes are completely missing from an electronic cigarette. Instead you will see vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol in your e-cigarette tank which can also be found in foods. Before we dive deeper into the harmful effects what not, let’s go over what an electronic cigarette is. Hopefully that will change you from smoking to vaping.

Recently, there has been much ado in the press regarding electronic cigarettes. To stand up for their cause, e-cig proponents have begun comparing traditional cigarettes with e-cigs and how they really effect the human body. If you’re a smoker and are wondering which side of this debate you should stand on, consider the difference between analog and electronic cigarettes down below.

What is an Electronic Cigarette?
An electronic cigarette is a simple device that is created by heating up a liquid to the right temperature to create vapor from it. The user inhales the vapor, giving it a very similar feeling as cigarettes. The liquid can or will not contain nicotine, depending on the vapers desire. The vaporizer or the vapor device is built up with 2 or 3 parts which contain a battery, an atomizer tank, and a drip tip or mouthpiece.

How Does an e-Cig work?
An electronic cigarette turns on usually by pressing the power button five times quickly. This will turn on the battery light up the power button to blink five times quickly, which means you’re all set up. Once your liquid is poured into your tank let it sit and get soaked up by the wick, if your tank has one. Press the power button to initiate the heating process which works almost instantly, turning the liquid into vapor. Take your puff slowly and you will realize whether your liquid is too harsh or the battery’s voltage. Most mods have variable voltage and variable wattage to change the heat of your vaporizer. From here on out you can experience what you like, what works, and what does not.

Is an Electronic Cigarette Healthy for Me?
By no means are we saying an electronic cigarette is healthy for an individual but so far tests and studies are showing us that it is doing the trick at a healthier rate than any other smoking cessation products. Some articles say they are 95% better and others say it is only better in the short term but there are undoubtedly more on the pros than the cons. Obviously it is still not that easy to quit smoking cigarettes right off the bat with an e-cig but with proper techniques, you can quit smoking cigarettes.

Analog Cigarettes

Nicotine Cravings
The typical tobacco cigarette offers much in the way of nicotine. E-cigs contain roughly 17.6mg per 1.6 ml of e-liquid. Compare that with roughly 11.4 mg of nicotine per 19 cigarettes and you see why cigarettes are more expensive than e-cigs. Additionally, 5 vapers can enjoy that amount of e-liquid for up to 5 hours which provides an enjoyable experience. The same amount of smokers on the other hand, have to smoke up to 19 cigarettes over the same course of time to achieve a similar effect.

E-cigs have constantly been targeted for containing high amounts of “toxins” despite very little evidence to support the theory. Analog cigarettes, however, contain a variety of chemicals and toxins that directly contribute to cancer and other health issues. Chemicals such as acetone, arsenic, butane, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, insecticide, methanol, lead and even industrial solvents are all found within cigarettes.

E-cigs are quite different. Within the typical e-liquid, you’ll find propylene glycol, glycerol, flavors, and nicotine. That’s it. No more or less. Just four components that help smokers kick their addiction to the curb.

How Much Big Tobacco Makes
Although this is less of a comparison and more of a factual based statistic, the six biggest tobacco companies make more money than Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and McDonalds combined. Together they bring in about $346.2 billion every year. This figure is telling no doubt. Obviously, big tobacco has every reason to shut-down and shut-out e-cig companies who are striving to make smoking less toxic for those who choose to indulge in it. Although e-cigs may not be the answer to this terrible habit, they do remove a great deal of toxins from the equation and therefore make the process a bit more palatable.

Number of People Who Smoke Worldwide
If you’re a smoker, you are not alone. Worldwide there are over 1.1 billion smokers who smoke up to 20 cigarettes every single day. That’s right, 20 cigarettes. In nations like India, that number is on the rise. The United States has cracked down on cigarette smoking and has therefore led the way towards cleaner smoking through e-cigs, but the numbers don’t lie and big tobacco is still doing just fine in way of profits.

Another sad statistic is that 1 in 2 cigarette smokers will die because of their habit. Life-threatening illnesses like cancer, heart disease and respiratory disorders are directly linked with smoking and are often the cause of these deaths. As of yet, there have been no deaths linked to e-cig vaping.

If you are considering vaping as an alternative to cigarette smoking, then consider the aforementioned statistics and facts. You’ll be surprised at how much better for you vaping truly is than traditional analog cigarette smoking.

Main Difference between Smoking Cigarettes and Vaping

Chemical Composition
In cigarettes there are 599 additives put into analog or traditional cigarettes. Once you light up your cigarette, those additives create 4,000 chemical compounds. Here are some of the chemicals that have been found in cigarettes so far:

·Ammonia: Household cleaner
·Angelica root extract: Known to cause cancer in animals
·Arsenic: Used in rat poisons
·Benzene: Used in making dyes, synthetic rubber
·Butane: Gas; used in lighter fluid
·Carbon monoxide: Poisonous gas
·Cadmium: Used in batteries
·Cyanide: Deadly poison
·DDT: A banned insecticide
·Ethyl Furoate: Causes liver damage in animals
·Lead: Poisonous in high doses
·Formaldehyde: Used to preserve dead specimens
·Methoprene: Insecticide
·Megastigmatrienone: Chemical naturally found in grapefruit juice
·Maltitol: Sweetener for diabetics
·Naphthalene: Ingredient in mothballs
·Fungicides and pesticides: Cause many types of cancers and birth defects.
·Cadmium: Linked to lung and prostate cancer.
·Benzene: Linked to leukemia.
·Formaldehyde: Linked to lung cancer.
·Nickel: Causes increased susceptibility to lung infections.
·Methyl Isocyanate: Its accidental release killed 2,000 people in Bhopal, India
& More Additives in Cigarettes…

E-cigarettes have approximately 4 ingredients that make up its liquid. They are propylene glyicol, vegetable glycerin, nicotine (if needed), and flavoring. Depending on the PG/VG ratio, there might be some distilled water added to dilute it. PG and VG are found in food ingredients.

Effects on Health
Respiratory hazard of smoking are due to toxic by-products of combustion, not the active ingredient of the plant which is tobacco. Combustion creates smoke which is the prime cause of lung and many other respiratory disorders. Electronic cigarettes are an alternative that reduce the health effects of harmful smoke and combustion products associated with burning of cigarettes along with its chemicals. Electronic cigarettes don’t burn or use any type of combustion.

Do You Know What You’re Putting in Your Lungs?
Combusted smoke gases consist of mostly non active ingredients that cause more harm than good. In cannabis 88% of non-cannabinoids with 111 different components including a half dozen known also polyaromatic hydrocarbons are in gases from smoke. Holding in smoke allows mor tar and noxious chemicals to be absorbed. Scientists claim the average smoke will lose 15 years of their life due to smoking. Vapo consists of 95% of cannabinoids that were missed out from smoking. The remaining 5% consist of small amount of one polyaromatic hydrocarbons which also goes by the name of pah. No tar or any other carcinogenic substance has been found in vaporizers so far.

Fire Dangers
The fire dangers between smoking and vaporizers are almost put to rest for obvious reasons. Cigarettes are the number one cause of fire related deaths. It is estimated that 10% of all fire-related deaths worldwide are the results of cigarettes. Vaporizers do not require a lighter since you don’t burn anything and no smoke is produced.

Discarded cigarette butts are the single most collected item during environmental clean-up efforts. They get thrown out onto the street with no thought of where it ends up. Cigarette butts with built up nicotine in the butt get washed down from your neighborhood streets into the wash. From there on it goes into our oceans polluting them and killing fishes. Electronic cigarettes don’t get thrown away after a few puffs which makes it eco-friendly. Plus the vapor dissipates. Electronic cigarette cartomizer is the same size as a cigarette butt roughly but lasts about 15-20 times longer. Even disposable e-cigarettes will get thrown into the trash can more so because a cigarette butt needs to be turned off before it is thrown away so it is easier to just throw it away on the street.

Prohibited Areas to Smoke or Vape
As we all know, it is not the 1950s anymore so you cannot just light up your cigarette while having your favorite cheeseburger. Cigarettes have become almost forbidden everywhere but private properties. Many apartment building owners have put no smoking signs in their apartments so you cannot smoke on the premises. This stems from diners not allowing you to smoke inside the restaurant. Vaping is still ok at most places but please be careful and courteous where you vape. Some people still may not like it and we do not want to garner bad reputation along with a bad name.

Why Vaporizing is Better for You?
You don’t have to worry about nasty smell from cigarette smoke in your hair, clothes, car, house, fingers or anything. Such a hard smell to get rid of and only gets worse when you douse yourself with cologne. Also no more cigarette burns in your car seat or carpet. The electronic cigarette can’t do anything like that because it does not create enough exterior heat. You don’t have to worry about going outside to smoke, now you can sit back in bed while watching Netflix and vaping. You will heat much less complaints now that e-cigarettes are not prohibited in places like cigarettes are. Apartment buildings are not enforcing smoking laws that are almost ludicrous but hey they can get away with it.

Teach and Educate about Electronic Cigarettes
That about wraps things up for us at Haze Vaporizers and hope this showed you the difference between smoking cigarettes and electronic cigarettes. It is important we teach and educate the majority who are either non-believers or simply don’t know much about electronic cigarettes. We have the power in our hands to change the world how they see and think about electronic cigarettes or vaporizers.

*The safest alternative is abstinence of smoking.