We’re well and truly into 2022, and for many of us, that means back to the office, behind the counter, or even working from home. Getting back into your routine is a difficult task and usually requires some help from the coffee machine. However, if you’re looking to cut down on caffeine, what alternatives are there?
If you’ve ever wondered, ‘do vapes have flavours for coffee lovers?’ you can bet your vape they do! There’s coffee flavoured e-juice for coffee drinkers and vapers alike. So, why not skip the café run and give coffee vape juice a try! Read on to learn more.
Kill 2 Habits With One Vape!
Many smokers have a sort of ritual for their habit—coffee and a cigarette being a common one—but let’s be honest, they’re both expensive habits and as we all know smoking doesn’t do any wonders for your body. Coffee flavoured vape juice means you can get the flavourful café taste without having to spend $5 down the road or fork out a fortune at the supermarket for your favourite blend.
Even if you’re not a coffee drinker, there’s a café-style flavour to help save you time, money, and energy by skipping the café-run. The taste of your favourite brew and a nicotine throat hit—combined—is a fantastic way to quit smoking and cut down on coffee at the same time.
There’s Something For Everyone!
Espress-Oh is a delicious Vapure juice offering a rich blend of coffee flavours to provide sweet notes and a balanced flavour blend. This is perfect for waking up in the morning, providing a full espresso-like boost through the flavour alone, without being too over-powering.
Mount Baker Vapor has mastered their café and cream flavours with a selection of vape juices fit for a menu at your local café. The classic MBV Café Coffee is a cappuccino flavour with yummy caramel, vanilla, and cream hints, available for both DTL and MTL vapers! Not a coffee drinker? Then why not skip that after-breakfast treat with MBV Cinnamon Roll for a sweet taste that’ll feel like it’s freshly made from the morning batch.
Find Your Favourite E-Liquid Blend
Save time and money by combining your vape break at work with your coffee run—just find the best coffee vape juice for your taste and puff away.
Browse our full range online to find your new favourite flavour and start your work year off both smoke and caffeine-free!