It’s a truth universally acknowledged that vaping is a better alternative to smoking when it comes to health. But that doesn’t mean vaping comes without its own share of potential issues, and vaper’s tongue is certainly one of them.
Whether you know it as vaper’s tongue or vaper’s fatigue, this condition can mean your go-to e-liquid no longer has those strong, delicious flavours you’re used to, or you may not be able to taste it at all. The good news is that the issue is easily rectifiable, and it’s nothing to worry about!
So – what is vaper’s tongue?
Much like the way smoking cigarettes can affect how we taste things, vaping can do the same, on a much lower scale.
Vaper’s tongue is a term used when referring to the way our taste works in relation to vaping. If you’re finding that your taste has changed or disappeared when vaping, it’s a sure sign you have it.
How can you fix vaper’s tongue?
Although an irritant, vaper’s tongue is really easy to get rid of, and needn’t be a cause for concern. Here are some of the most effective, tried and tested ways of fixing vaper’s tongue.
Switch-up your e-liquid
When you have a favourite e-liquid, it can be difficult to stray away, and why would you want to? Well actually, switching up your e-liquid can be all it takes to sort out that annoying vaper’s tongue as studies have shown that repeatedly vaping the same flavours can mean your taste buds quickly get used to the flavour until you can no longer taste it.
Finding a handful of e-liquids you love, and switching between them, can be a great way of ensuring your favourites stay that way!
·Give it time if you’ve just quit smoking
If you’ve just stopped smoking in favour for vaping, then you may be experiencing vaper’s tongue, but in this case – just give it time. It is scientifically proven that smoking cigarettes can temporarily stunt the tastebuds, but once you stop, this issue slowly rectifies itself. So, if your vaper’s tongue is as a result of this recent change, sit tight and you should be enjoying the full flavour of your e-liquid before you know it.
·Clean your kit
When was the last time you cleaned your vape device? If it’s been a while, then the chances are your issues relate to a dirty and clogged up coil. A vape coil needs to be cleaned regularly because, if neglected, it can become coated in debris that effects how it performs, leaving flavours dull or unpleasant. So, make sure you take your device apart on a weekly basis to clean the coil and other components to keep flavours tasting as they should.
Do you need a new vape kit?
If you haven’t kept on top of maintaining your vape device, then you may find it is past the point of cleaning. In these cases, you may need to start from scratch with a new vape kit. This may sound pricey, but it doesn’t need to be!