
People all over the world witness a lot of technological advancements, just like we witnessed touch-screen phones and gadgets that work with voice command. 

Those who smoke electronic cigarettes also wish they could enjoy it without having to hold an electronic cigarette or vape. There have been some interesting ideas floating around in the vaping community to achieve hands free vaping. While hands free vaping appears like a long way off, producers are innovating ways to make this dream a reality!

It is likely that a hands-free device will be relatively small compared to a standard tank. One idea that has been circulating the internet is the idea of being able to access a start button via your teeth. You can use your teeth to turn the device on.

We have also seen methods involving airflow tossed around. By inhaling, your device would start. Especially when it comes to hands-free vaping, we live in a time of incredible inventions.

Alternatives to the vape button:
Imagine if we could eliminate the need to touch the button with your hand. The button has so far been the biggest hindrance to hands-free interaction. To overcome this hinderance, there are two practical options that can be opted which are: 

Idea 1: Pressing the button with your teeth 
The idea here is to prop the e-cigarette or mouthpiece directly in your mouth and let it stay there. After doing that, you are all set to fire the coil. Taking a shot involves clenching a button between your teeth and drawing when you are ready to fire the coil. First commercial models of hands-free vaping are likely to include a clench button. Hence, with just the clench of the teeth, the users will be able to achieve hands-free vaping. 

Idea 2: Using the airflow trigger for hands-free operation of your hands-free vape 
Our aim is to come up with some highly advanced device that can detect when we are drawing and fire the coil at that exact moment. Finally, this would make vaping the closest thing to smoking there is. In theory at least, it can be accomplished. Airflow detectors can be easy to make, as they detect when you breathe in, and fire the coil when you do.

Due to their sensitivity and proneness to mistakes, airflow triggers that depend on sensors are likely to take a few generations to develop for hands-free vaping. There are likely to be safety switches for breath-vaping mode when we see them.

It's only a matter of time until hands-free vaping becomes a reality. Companies are currently researching better designs for vapes with all the technology available.

But the question is, will the hands-free vaping be able to provide the users with the expected vaping experience? 

Well, that is something to look forward to. We do expect hands-free vapes being produced in the future but we are not sure whether they will be a success or will they end up being lost in the future. The users will have a lot of concerns with the production of hands-free vapes. 

Some of the concerns are as follow: 

1.Will the hands free vape be able to produce enough smoke?
2.Will the vape hits be smooth every time? 
3.Will the vape be turned on without any hinderance? 
4.Above all, will the overall experience of a hands-free vape be better than a typical vape? 

However, hands-free vaping that is expected to be experienced in the near future can be beneficial for quite a lot of people. Especially for those adults who are always busy or always have something on their plate. Gamers, drivers or other individuals who want to enjoy vaping without interrupting their actions can get great benefit from hands-free vaping.

Now coming back to the real question, whether hands free vaping a truth or a myth? 

With the research, technological advancements in the vaping industry and intent of many popular companies can make hands-free vaping a truth of the future. We are hoping it to be successful. 

Let’s wait and watch how hands free vapes take over the vaping industry, whether they touch the sky or go down the drain. 


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