With all the consumer nicotine options on the market, it can be difficult for a smoker to know which works best. We decided to have a look at three of the most popular choices and list some pros and cons.
Nicotine Patches
Nicotine patches are a pharmaceutical nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) that became available in the early 1990’s, and have faced controversy over their effectiveness ever since. They’re small transdermal patches containing various strengths of nicotine that is released into the user’s bloodstream with the intent of reducing cigarette cravings.
The manufacturers of these patches claim that they double a smoker’s chances of success when attempting to quit, but results from independent studies have varied. Research conducted at Vanderbilt University determined a roughly 6-11 percent effectiveness rate when used for smoking cessation. That study only measured success after 24 weeks.
The newest and most-controversial product on this list is arguably the most disruptive to smoking rates globally.
Nicotine patches spurred a wave of research on the effects of nicotine without the confounding factor of smoke. Discoveries have been made concerning possible health benefits and medical uses for nicotine thanks to the patch, including potential treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease, and for some other cognitive impairments like memory loss and dementia.
Research on aging patients with nicotine patches has also led to the understanding that nicotine without the supercharged delivery through inhaled smoke has very little potential for addiction. Patients who used nicotine patches for many months experienced no withdrawal symptoms after the trials ended.
·No clouds
·Very discreet
·Can take on an aircraft / restaurant / or public space without prohibition
·No mess or hassle with gadgets or complicated refills
·Doesn't emulate smoking behavior
·Not banned in any countries
·Health risks negligible compared to smoking
·Low potential for addiction
·Dosing can be hard to adjust
·Users sometimes feel light-headed or nauseated
·Vivid dreams can occur
·Some people have sensitive skin that is aggravated by applying a sticky patch
·No habit replacement or hand-to-mouth sensation
·One square of your skin will be slightly off color unless you're a perfect match
·Hard to keep lit
Nicotine Gum
Nicotine gum was actually the first commercial NRT product sold. Available since the mid-1980’s, the gum originally required a doctor’s prescription. It is now sold all over the world, usually over the counter. In some countries, nicotine gum is available to purchase for children as young as 12 years old and comes in a variety of attractive fruity and candy-like flavors.
The user absorbs nicotine through the soft tissue of the mouth and into the bloodstream as they first chew the gum and then place it between their gums and cheek when it starts to “tingle”. This process repeats until the gum loses it’s potency. Aside from the chewing, the process and result is identical to the method Swedish snus users employ. (Note that snus itself is 99-100 percent safer than smoking.)
Improper chewing can lead to a quick uptake in the entire dose instead of releasing over time
A Cochrane Review looking at a variety of studies estimated that the use of NRT like nicotine gum can increase cessation success rates for smokers from about five percent for cold turkey quitting to an average of 7-8 percent. Success rates are improved when combining NRT with either counseling or medication like bupropion (Zyban), or both.
·Fresh breath!
·Distracting stimuli - many smokers like to chew gum when they can’t smoke
·No smoke or vapor produced while enjoying
·Can take on an aircraft / restaurant / or public space without worry (but don't forget to bring a tissue!)
·Users of chewing tobacco may find additional benefits with this form factor
·Improper chewing can lead to a quick uptake in the entire dose instead of releasing over time
·Has been shown to correlate with weight gain in the first eight weeks after quitting smoking
·Not great for public speakers
·Can be problematic with certain dental work
·Really hard to keep lit
The newest and most-controversial product on this list is arguably the most disruptive to smoking rates globally. Invented in China in 2003, then released in Europe in 2006 and then the U.S. in 2007, e-cigarettes continue to garner the attention of advocates, opponents, and competing industries.
Despite flawed and misreported studies, and fear-mongering tactics employed by adversaries, vaping also has many strong supporters. Public Health England has released an expert independent evidence review stating that “the current best estimate is that e-cigarettes are around 95% less harmful than smoking,” and “there is no evidence so far that e-cigarettes are acting as a route into smoking for children or non-smokers.”
Vaping combines mouth-feel, habit, flavor and nicotine to deliver the sensations that smokers crave
With vaping, a nicotine-containing—or nicotine-free—aerosol (the technical term for vapor) is produced when e-liquid is exposed to a heating element and inhaled. Nicotine is absorbed into the lungs and the aerosol is exhaled. This process has been both praised and criticized for it’s similar feel and visual likeness to smoking.
Regardless of opinion it is impossible to ignore the implications for harm reduction that such emulation suggests. Vaping combines mouth-feel, habit, flavor and nicotine to deliver the sensations that smokers crave, without the combustion that kills six million a year worldwide.
·The sensation of smoking without the dangers of playing with actual fire or breathing actual smoke
·Available in thousands of flavors
·Provides genuine hand-to-mouth action
·Can determine how much vapor you want
·It doesn't taste like real smoke
·Nothing to bum a smoke to your moocher friends
·Get to smell like your favorite treat
·Get to taste your favorite treats
·Friends and peers may sling accusations like "bruh" and "hipster" - despite your age or gender
·Vaping can be complicated and overwhelming for the beginner
·Finding the right flavor and equipment can be costly and time consuming
·It doesn't taste like real smoke
·E-liquids may pose a danger to small children and animals if left unattended
·Uneducated people still think you’re smoking
Additional options
As harm reduction earns a place at the quit-smoking table and replaces abstinence for many, smokers are finding new and effective alternatives. Entire industries have been created around the concept of safer nicotine consumption, and the future looks bright for those who seek alternative nicotine delivery.