One thing that we love about vaping is the endless variety of flavor combinations that are available on the market, especially here at online store,they have everything from unique blends of exotic fruits to enticing layered desserts that are as decadent as they are calorie-free. But, not all flavors are meant to be enjoyed together, which is as true as it is for cooking as it is for vaping.
Everyone’s Palate is Different
Everyone has a unique palate, so it’s not abnormal for a flavor combination that makes one person queasy to absolutely delight someone else’s taste buds. Therefore, take the list below as a general guideline rather than hard and fast rules. This information applies to those who make their own e-liquid, as well as those who engage in flavor-blending, which is the act of combining two different pre-made vape juices together for a more complex taste.
Flavor Combinations That Don’t Usually Work Well
Keep in mind, this ultimately a subjective question, but there are some general rules that you’ll want to stick to if you want to avoid an absolute disaster when it comes to combining flavor
#1: Cream/Custard and Menthol
Generally, custards and creams do not mix well with menthol. How come? Well, because the cooling menthol interacts strangely with the richness of the creams and custards, managing to take away some of that richness in a way that makes you feel like you’re vaping skim milk that’s been chilled in the fridge.
#2: Citrus and Chocolate
Citrus and chocolate usually don’t go well together, because sour chocolate just isn’t something that appeals to most people’s taste buds. We know that there’s that iconic orange-chocolate dessert that everyone gets around the holidays, which tells us that orange is probably the least offensive chocolate pairing, but still, usually this combo falls flat. If you must have both, consider vaping two different flavors in different tanks: one that has citrusy notes, and one that satisfies your chocolate cravings.
#3: Coffee and Tropical Fruit
Coffee and tropical fruit definitely don’t make for a tasty match. Just imagine pouring pineapple juice into your morning cup. Sounds gross, right? We can say with certainty that almost no vaper would want to attempt this, even if you’re a diehard lover of pineapple, mango or some other luscious fruit that grows in the islands. It’s just not a good blend, period.
#4: Caramel and Mint
Caramel and mint may sound nice at first, but when you really think about it, it just doesn’t work. The combination of these two makes for a very strange taste that’s simply unappetizing. The caramel flavor needs to maintain its sweetness to hit the spot, and the mint has a tendency to take away that sweetness along with the richness. Meanwhile, the caramel stops the mint from being refreshing.
#5: Candy and Coffee
Candy and coffee is another blend that doesn’t work. After all, when was the last time you got a candy-flavored espresso drink at the local brewery? Candy and coffee should stay far away from each other, as they combine to create a strange taste that’s not going to satisfy either your sugar cravings or your coffee-related desires.
#6: Sour Candy and Chocolate
Chocolate just doesn’t work with sour candy, for the same reason it doesn’t work with citrus. Sour chocolate instantly makes the palate think that the milk in the chocolate has gone rancid, which can lead to a very unappetizing experience, to say the least.
#7: Pastry and Candy
While pastry and fruit go wonderfully together, the same can’t be said for pastry and candy, except in rare cases where you end up with a fluke. It’s basically sweet sensory overload.
#8: Butter and Most Fruit
The rich n’ buttery flavor that’s usually added to popcorn or cookies isn’t great with most fruits, like apples, pears. and tropical fruits. It makes the fruit weirdly savory in a way that’s unnatural.
Final Flavorful Thoughts
Yes, vapers are free to explore any flavor combinations they desire, because vaping is all about experimenting to see what satisfies your palate. But, most people will agree that the flavor combinations above simply aren’t worth even trying. Stick to flavors that are known to complement each other, as they are already present in our favorite treats.