How To Lower Your Nicotine Strength When Vaping

How To Lower Your Nicotine Strength When Vaping

Guide To Lowering Your Nicotine Strength When VapingWhen looking to reduce your nicotine intake it’s important to have a clear goal in mind. Is your plan to vape less and reduce excessive puffing, quit vaping completely by going cold turkey, move towards nicotine free e-liquids, or simply drop down to...

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Tax on Vaping Update: less complex, but no less harsh

Tax on Vaping Update: less complex, but no less harsh

The UK government's recent decision to introduce heavy taxation to e-liquid products is expected to have severely negative impacts on vapers, the vaping industry, and potentially public health. Building off the back of a new vaping duty proposal that formed part of the spring budget from Jeremy Hunt earlier this...

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How to Decide on a Vape Juice Flavour

How to Decide on a Vape Juice Flavour

One of the main advantages of vaping is the huge amount of flavours you can choose from. Whether you want something fruity and sweet, minty and ice-cool or anything in between, deciding on a vape juice flavour is a big deal. Sometimes, the sheer number of flavours can be daunting....

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Vaping isn’t just better than smoking because of the reduced risk; it’s also better because switching to vaping can help you save an enormous amount of money. With the average price of cigarettes currently at £15.85 per pack, you’re paying a whopping £5,785 per year if you’re a pack-a-day smoker....

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The best nicotine-free vapes of 2025

The best nicotine-free vapes of 2025

Every vaper has different needs, and while some require a nicotine content in their vape to help them keep their cravings at bay, others do not. If you are looking for a nicotine-free vape but are not sure where to get started, take a look at our recommendations for the...

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